It is not our intention to infringe anyone's copyright. If you send material to us, you reserve your copyright on it.

If, however, you think your copyright has been infringed by any material on this web site, please let us know immediately. Your Notification should include:

  • Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed.

  • Sufficient information to enable us to locate the material on the page, ideally the name of and the item on the page.

  • You, the complaining party, also need to provide an effective means of contact such as an address, telephone number or an email address.

  • If you are acting on behalf of the copyright owner you should provide some evidence that you are authorised to act on behalf of the owner.

  • You should also state what you are expecting us to do. The normal options are a copyright acknowledgement or removal of the material. 

Upon receipt of the notification containing the information outlined above:

  • We will insert a copyright notice or remove the material which is the subject of the alleged copyright infringement.

  • If the material has not been provided by ourselves or one of our agents, we will notify whoever has provided it immediately and give them a reasonable time to respond before acting on your notification. 

Web Site contents:

  • Original articles, graphics, design and other material are Copyright © 2018 Ballynahinch Masonic Lodge No: 301 and permission must be obtained in writing before reproducing in any way.


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